Summer Renewal

Some of my friends over at Soli Deo Gloria are blogging about their summer. Jen wanted to know whether we had enjoyed an especially refreshing vacation; or let go of something that we needed to release; or gained a sense of renewal (or maybe still need one.)

Me? I’d have to say “All of the above.”

In June I got bogged down and lost in the novel I’m writing (my first.) Maybe I’m not really cut out to be a writer, I thought. Maybe I should just go get a job sacking groceries. At least I would bag the cold and frozen things together, unlike many of the younger people whose work I often redo when I get to my car. But I digress.

Then I joined a six-week Beth Moore video/workbook Bible study. It deals with the opposition Christians face, not from other people but from the enemy of our souls. He wants to make sure Christians have as little credibility and influence as possible.

Oddly, the idea that satan himself might want to shut me up only renewed my determination to keep going. I gave myself a schedule of office hours in an effort to layer some structure onto my willy-nilly life. I have my ups and downs, but I am going to finish that draft.

In July, as I briefly mentioned in between complaining about my nail polish, I released my younger son to leave our home and form his own in marriage. Sappy as it may sound, I really did gain a daughter rather than “lose” ol’ Greg.

The theme for August turned out to be “Grand Central Station.” A stream of young adults–our own kids, extended family and friends–came and went, gathered, parted ways and re-grouped, with our house as home base. Brent and I had a wonderful time seeing them all. I especially enjoyed having a brood of “chicks” to cook for again, and getting to visit one-on-one with some that I don’t see very often.

As refreshing as it was to spend time with young people, I did find my meager attempts at a structured schedule sliding away. After the crowds left and the house grew quiet again, I found my introverted self ready for another kind of refreshment. I needed to spend some time with the Lord, just him and me, letting him refresh my sense of direction and purpose for the rest of the year.

And so, as near as I can figure, the rhythm continues: renew my sense of direction; release others to follow God’s calling–and release the hindrances in my own life; refresh myself with social down-time.

Repeat as needed.

How about you? Have you experienced significant renewal, release or refreshment during this summer just ended? Need one or more of these, but aren’t sure where to start? Share your thoughts in the comments, or we can talk it over via email.

Meanwhile, you might like to visit Jen and read her post about how the idea of “enough” can be a moving target. I am also linking up with Rachel Anne for the Company Girls Coffee blog party.

Thanks for reading!

About Jan C. Johnson

Welcome! If you like food, reading, laughing over life's little disasters, and maybe thinking about the bigger things of life, you have come to the right place. Besides blogging, I write humorous fiction, though real life tends to leave fictional humor in the shade. But I'm not a total goofball. No, really. I'm also working on a biography project. I live in North Texas with my husband, Brent. We enjoy bicycling, Mexican food, and traveling to visit our kids and grandkids.
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9 Responses to Summer Renewal

  1. Hi Jan,
    Nice to meet you as I linked up behind you at Jen’s…Good for you for persevering with your writing…and it sounds like you had a fun and full summer…as an introvert, I can relate to your need to renew alone and with God, as much as we enjoy people 🙂


    • Dolly, Your “Going There” post was not live when I first checked it. FINALLY got to read about your experience and your amazing perspective. Thank you for visiting me at Joywriting. I look forward to reading more from you. Blessings, Jan


  2. Kathy McLaiN says:

    Adjusting to life in a wheelchair was my summer actually, the last three years. You would think how nice to have a place to sit no matter where you go; or people ways rushing to open doors or push along when they think you need help; sitting high in the van to over the guard rails on the freeways and roadways. All those things make me grateful and thankful for all the lobe and caring that is still out there I’m this world that God gave us (especially
    since we messed up- sinful nature and all). Learning to move myself from one location to another and actually succeeding even if it took me a good fifteen minutes to wheel my chair a short 20 yards. The excitemt comes in knowing I did it myself. Now that summer is ending I can say arms are much stronger and they even nicely sculptured-no ( ok very little) sagging in the upper extremities. The horrible pain (an 8 to 9 with 10 needing to be admitted to the hospital) has turned to compassion and true understanding for those that have been injured. It has been a summer of working five days a week for 7 1/2 hrs a day and wishing I only lived five minutes from work instead of 30 minutes so that I could be lifted fr the wheelchair to my bed. My bed has become my listening place and my studying God’s Word place. He is teaching me so much and changing who I am. I am a paralegal. I was on the phone with one of the defense attorney’s office explaining for the third time why I needed to have the attorney return my call. The young lady was frustrated. I started telling her about a funny incident and she began laughing with me. Just before we hung she said, ” It I’d always nice to talk to because you are always filled with so much joy!”
    I told her God was teaching me that if I trust Him no matter what the circumstances I find myself in He will fill me with His love and joy. God gave me the easy part-trusting Him, after all I have the Bible that’s filled with so many situations that build ip my trust in Him. He has taken a bitter angry, unforgiving woman and changed her by filling her with His love and joy. What more could ask for my summer. He gave meore than I could dream of getting. And to top it all off, He amazes me when He brings people along into my life that let me catch glimpse of how God sees me when He watches over me. Thank Lord for all your patient and lovingkindness You have brought into my life.


    • Kathy, my hat is off to you! Your strength and grace inspire me to look for God’s purpose amid the inconveniences I face, so trivial compared to your challenges. Thanks for sharing your story and your joy.


  3. Jody Lee Collins says:

    My friend, I think you’ve hit upon the right ‘recipe’ here: “renew, release, refresh, repeat”
    It’s just a cycle, isn’t it? To keep us trusting him….


  4. I love the cycle. “Renew, release, refresh, repeat.” I think we need to make a sign and hang it up for us all to see. Like, every day. Or else, I forget.


  5. marlece says:

    I have missed you, I am catching up and I love this post! Those young whiper snappers can suck the life right out of us. I’m glad you are getting refreshed.


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